Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently attended an event to celebrate the spy series Citadel. For the event, Samantha picked a stunning creation from Krésha Bajaj by wearing a bold navy blue ensemble. Samantha completely left us in awe by amping the sophistication and elegance level. You simply just can’t take your eyes off of her. Talking about her outfit, Samantha picked this stunning navy blue outfit from Bajaj’s Dessher and Dukkah collection that talks about Egyptian fashion.
The Dukkah top represents a flowy waterfall structure, adding drama to the outfit. The corset, draped in luxurious satin silk with dramatic flowing trails, is paired with the transparent Dessher pants. It is made of faceted beads using the tasseling technique where each tassel is hand embroidered on the panels. The hand-beaded glass cascades down the legs, catching and reflecting light in the most captivating way. With dewy makeup and a retro hairdo, The Family Man 2 actor looks panache. But do you wonder how much Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s dress costs?
Here’s how much Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s dress and necklace costs
As we absolutely loved her look, we went through the official website of Krésha Bajaj for the cost of the dress and it is EXPENSIVE. The outfit can cost you ₹300,000. Moreover, she paired her look with a gorgeous B.zero1 necklace from Bvlgari that has a small round pendant in 18 kt white gold and pavé diamonds. The price of the high-end necklace may burn your bank account as it’s worth $74,000 which is ₹61,89,619 in Indian currency. If we calculate her look, Samantha’s latest outing cost ₹64,89,619.
Meanwhile, Samantha is gearing up for the release of Citadel: Honey & Bunny with Varun Dhawan. She will be sharing the screen space with him for the first time and fans are quite excited. Samantha reunites with creator duo Raj & DK after working with them in The Family Man 2.
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